Scheduled Field Inspections
Regularly scheduled field inspections provides unique opportunities for our trained personnel to monitor for pest & disease, observe growth and nutrition disorders and recommend remedial action throughout the growing season. However, whether our clients are on a weekly monitoring contract or phone in a request, our field representatives can collect plant tissues and soils to be analyzed, and recommendations for fertilizer and soil amendments will be made. Lab fees and interpretations are competitively priced.

Scheduled Field Inspections
Integrated Pest Management
Crop Care Associates, Inc. offers contracts for season-long weekly field inspections that provide detailed written assessments of insect, disease, and weed population pressures and crop development. Visual observations, pest trap monitoring, degree-day calculations and disease lab analysis are all part of what our IPM programs entail. When necessary, specific written recommendations are made by a licensed pest control advisor (PCA) detailing the type and amount of chemical, biological, or cultural measures needed to treat a problem. We use proven integrated pest management (IPM) techniques to form the basis of our pest management strategies.

Scheduled Field Inspections
Soil Moisture & Plant Stress Monitoring
Crop Care Associates Inc. offers soil moisture monitoring through the use of various devices including neutron probe, resistance blocks, pressure chamber, and tensiometers to determine soil moisture depletions and plant stress. A weekly computerized analysis is used to help clients fine tune their irrigation schedules and base recommendations for timing and amount of water to be applied. These measurements can be integrated with weather data generated by CIMIS or other site-specific weather monitoring systems. Field inspections are made to assess physical plant growth and stress that may be due to factors independent of soil moisture.